Who we are?

The unit of pain and palliative care is a specialized service in the diagnosis and treatment of severe pain, which examines and assesses the problems of pain on a wide scale, proposing specific strategies for treatment according to each case. Our main mission is to provide relief, not only of pain but the symptoms that are associated with it or its treatment, improving the quality of life of the patients, covering their main needs as a biopsychosocial being.

This Unit is a pioneer at Clinica Union Medica, Santiago, is located at Tower C, 2nd Floor, 247 Suite . It has suitably equipped areas, adequate space for integral development, an ideal medical staff for the care of patients with acute or chronic pain, this includes:

Exclusive medical staff | Secretarial Area | Area Lock & Procedures | Consultation
Multiparameter Monitoring Equipment | Warehouse of materials and drugs

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is the sensation of discomfort that lasts more than six months and unresponsive to conventional therapies for it's control, such as surgery, medication, rest, physical therapy or other means. When you reach this stage we can consider that the pain has ceased to be a symptom into a disease.



What people are attending a pain clinic?

Patients suffering from severe chronic pain, which could not be cured with conventional treatment. The most common chronic pain syndromes are pathologies of the spine (low back pain / back pain), musculoskeletal disorders (osteoporosis, severe arthritis, fibromyalgia ...), neuralgia, phantom limb pain or postamputación, complex regional pain syndromes, post-traumatic pain, visceral pain and cancer pain (cancer).
